Unusual Fruits of Costa Rica

two cashew fruit and banana
John has been giving weekly private English lessons to Noemi who lives up the street. Noemi gave him these unusual fruits as a gift. The first two are cashew. The nut is actually inside the nut-shaped enclosure and the rest is edible fruit. The substance between the nut and the outer shell is poisonous, I hear similar to poison ivy. I have never tried to get the nut out of there. I completely appreciate the high cost of cashew nuts for the labor involved to retrieve the nut. The fruit that grows below the nut is supposed to be delicious. I plan on trying some later today. The other fruit is a special type of banana that we have never seen. It is the size of two medium sized bananas together. Noemi says it tastes like a regular banana. I will wait for it to turn yellow before I give it a try.