Not moved in yet, Dog and Puppies

banana flower
Today is the deadline I gave our contractor to be finished with the house. Did he make it? No. We're so close! We would have started to move in today, however there are some problems with the water in the house and we had to shut it off until they can properly remedy the issues. Meanwhile, I have been cleaning all the surfaces of the house getting ready for the big move. Our work crew has been spreading soil around the new house and planting grass plugs that were dug out from other parts of the yard.

On Monday morning I discovered a mother dog and two puppies had taken up residence on the back porch of our new house. Roxy wasn't very happy about this but was out numbered and decided it was OK for them to be here as long as they didn't venture over to our current dwelling area. Both puppies are female and we are sure someone dumped them off at the street. We don't want any more dogs in our pack and tried to encourage the newbies to move on but they were determined to stay here. Yesterday I decided I couldn't let the dogs suffer any more (they are very thin) and decided something needed to be done. I have seen dogs up for adoption at our veterinarian's office so I gave her a call. She said she would take them and get them ready for adoption, however she's full right now with another mother and four puppies that are up for adoption. She asked if we could keep them until early next week. I agreed and immediately brought the stray dogs some food. I have never had a puppy before and one of them is especially lively and likes me (now that I fed her). It's cute watching her follow me and for her to seem so excited watching my every move.