Black Soldier Fly Larvae Update


Black Soldier Fly Larvae Bin

It has been one year since I tried a new black soldier fly larvae bin and I am still using it. Recently, I removed all the contents for the second time and just started fresh again. The first time I emptied it was because it was too full of waste. This time I had to empty it because a different type of larvae took over. That larvae wouldn't migrate out so I would scoop some up for the chickens. Eventually it went anaerobic and was time to start over.

The photo above is how the bin looks during the day. The lid is propped up slightly to allow the flies to come and go. A piece of chicken wire is over the bin to keep the birds out.

Inside the larvae bin.

This system produces well enough for a daily snack for the chickens. However, the bin is too small. There isn't enough room for the larvae to find the tubes and migrate out. Sometimes they would find the tubes, but usually every morning I would pick them off of the underside of the lid. The larvae have no problem climbing the plastic sides. 

I do like how easy it is to clean out. The liquid that drains out is excellent plant fertilizer. Most important, the chickens love the morning larvae snack. You can see my prior blogs about other systems I tried here: Black Soldier Fly Larvae