Infrastructure Updated in Rural Puriscal


bus stop with covered bench and garbage can on dirt road in rural Puriscal, Costa Rica
Bus stop with new garbage can.

I think the new mayor of Puriscal is responsible for two recent updates on the road to our property. The first is a garbage can at the bus stop. It has been there for a while and someone is emptying the garbage which is nice. I see these at other bus stops along the way to town.

yellow fire hydrant and covered drinking water station on dirt road in Puriscal, Costa Rica
New fire hydrant and drinking water station.

I have noticed several of these drinking water stations on the road from our place to centro. I think this is such a good idea. Many people that walk and bicycle and will use this. I wish these were there when John and Spencer used to run on the streets. A fire hydrant was also installed, a first for the neighborhood.

new street light on cement pole on dirt road in Puriscal
Newly installed street light.

I’m not so thrilled about the latest improvement. The electricity company installed two street lights on the road to our property. Where there was once darkness at night now glows in a yellow light. I guess it will make things safer. I do wonder why they decided to install them, did someone request it? Or, after a number of homes are built on a street is this something they are required to do?