Birds Like Bananas


Several different types of birds eating bananas.
Back left to right, Blue-gray Tanager, ???, Baltimore Oriole, Clay-colored Robin

A bunch of bananas went to the birds this time. Actually, we produce so many bananas (several types), and can't eat them all so I give them to the chickens as a treat and compost the rest. 

Black-crowned Tityra perched at the top of a tree
Black-crowned Tityra

I didn't see the tityra eat the bananas, but he did stop by.

Gray-headed Chachalacas eating bananas
Gray-headed Chachalaca

I read that bananas should be given to chickens as a treat. I've always thought they would eat as much as possible if given the chance. The chachalacas confirmed they will eat bananas until they are full. 

Hoffmann's Woodpeckers eating bananas
Hoffmann's Woodpecker

Even woodpeckers enjoy bananas. I am not confident I identified all of these birds correctly. It was fun watching them come and go until the party was over.