Propagating House Plants in Puriscal


Cuttings of a three lobed leaf plant in soil.
Three Lobed Leaf Plant
Smiley and I walked through the property looking for plants to take cuttings from. I brought a large bucket, pruning sheers, trowel, a few pots and a bag. I was surprised that I completely filled everything up. On the way back I was glad I didn't try to bring anything else because it was awkward crossing the river with what I had.

Cuttings of Monstera in soil.
I found a few different types of monstera. They grow huge and lush in the more shaded and moist parts of the property.
Cuttings of philodendron in soil.
I also found many types of philodendron. I like to see how they grow along the ground as well as up trees.
Begonia and syngonium cuttings in sol.
Begonia and Syngonium
I took back some begonias and a few examples of syngonium. I put most of the cuttings in soil and some of them in water to grow roots. Now, I wait to see how successful this mission was and if any of these will grow in their new environment.