Musical Chickens - How to stop a broody hen


Large chickens inside coop in Costa Rica
Brahma-mix chickens in Puriscal, Costa Rica

Last year was the end of hatching chicks with this flock. Even though I made the decision, the hens don't agree and every few months one will go broody. In the past I would let them go through the broody cycle (it lasts about one month), but lately I have stepped in to shorten the cycle. 

I found if I can keep the broody hen from sitting on the nest then the broodiness will leave in 24-48 hours. In order to do this I close off the coop that is in the center of the paddocks. I go into the chicken palace every hour to see who is ready to lay an egg and give them access to the nest. After the hen lays an egg she goes into a private paddock. Once I return I put the hen in with the rest of the flock and see if another is ready to lay an egg. 

Mini went broody about one month ago and it took 48 hours of me doing musical chickens for her to forget she was broody. Recently, Ruby went broody and it only took 24 hours of musical chickens for her to return to the non-broody state. I took this video to give a better visual of my method