Photos from the Property

The other day the fan on my laptop quit working. Luckily we noticed it in time and have stopped using the computer until it can hopefully be fixed. I was able to put a back log of photos onto a flash drive and thought this would be a good time to share some with you.

cotton plant flower
This is the flower of the cotton plant. I harvested a sack of cotton from this
small tree and will soon figure out how to make something out of it.

This is a shot of a bull and horse in the neighbor's farm across the Rio Coco. Every so often Spencer runs up there to "play" with them. He finds it amusing when they respond to his noisy barking and chasing.

young espavel tree
A few months ago I planted this espavel tree along the river bank where we lost about six large trees during the last rainy season. So far it's surviving. Mario reported the other day that he believes we have planted about 250 trees so far.

large wasp nest
I photographed this large wasp nest in a tree. I thought the shape was interesting. The insects could be seen coming and going from the point at the bottom.