Chicken Update - Pecking Order and Tapeworms

Costa Rica Brahma Chickens
Junior, Ruby and Blondie

Caring for chickens can be challenging at times, especially for a novice like me. Even though I have several years experience with chickens in the tropics, I am still learning. Several months ago I introduced Brownie and Lil Sweet to the adult flock. I wasn't sure how the new pecking order would turn out. Lil Sweet is the smallest so I thought she would be at the bottom but it didn't end up that way. Lil Sweet became more assertive than Brownie. She even challenged me a few times by pecking at me, but I put a stop to that by blocking a peck with a shovel. Brownie is at the bottom of the pecking order, because of this I look out for her.

Costa Rica Brahma Hen
Brownie with a wound on her comb.

The other day I entered the chicken palace and saw blood dripping down Brownie's face. It wasn't a serious wound and dried up and healed in a few hours. An egg was on the ground in the middle of the paddock. I believe it was hers. Most likely a fight occurred at the nest box. Even though there are three nest boxes, the ladies only use two. Earlier that day I saw three hens in one nest and two in the other. Research on the internet tells me this is normal behavior. 

Costa Rica Brahma Hen
Pretty Lady - The most vocal of the flock.

A new ugly reality of owning chickens came up recently. I discovered tapeworms in their poop! I gave the flock medicine in their water, but it turned out to be the wrong kind and didn't work. I gave them two rounds of the wrong stuff and waited a few weeks and began a different medication. This one seems to have done the job. Reflecting on the chicken deaths over the past year, I am now wondering if an overload of worms killed them. Next time one dies I might perform an autopsy. 

Costa Rica Brahma Chickens

Other than the parasites, the chickens seem to be doing well. I frequently give them a bouquet of plants from the garden. I bundle the leaves and tie them to a hanging chain. Junior continues to be an excellent rooster. Mini is currently broody. Maybe I'll let her hatch some eggs when the rainy season ends.