Extraordinary Fossil Found in Puriscal, Costa Rica
Every morning, I inspect the outer perimeter of the chicken palace. Fortunately, nothing has ever tried to break in. On a recent perimeter walk, I had a startling discovery with this amazing rock.
It looks like a piece of petrified bone or plant. The fossil measures about 10cm long and a radius of 8cm. It's smooth on the outside and has a crystal formation on one end. Without a doubt, this is the most amazing petrified remains I have ever found.
I wondered how it was possible I walked by it so many times and never saw it. After pondering this I realized I probably dug it up the prior day when I was moving rocky dirt to use inside the chicken palace.
Curiosity took over and I wanted to know if this was from a plant or animal. I inquired with a fossil forum on the internet. One person replied and said it could be root trace, or rhizolith. I looked into rhizoliths and it could very well be that.
I also looked into it being from palm plant or tree fern. A lot of fossils of tree ferns are pictured on the internet, but I don't see some of the obvious characteristics on my piece. Regardless of what it is I think it is so incredibly awesome that it was found on our property.